

Two Month Recap (in reverse)

So I have neglected this for the past couple months...opps. This isn't because I have been sitting on my hands tough. I am going to try to catch everyone up with a little photographic journey.

I whipped up a Thanksgiving dinner for my flatmates. Our pumpkin pie had a little kiwi citizenship.

While Gill, Colton, Taylor and the mothers were here we went for a walk along the waterfront looking at some amazing homes. This was a sculpture which one had.

On the last day of classes we went into town for the Auckland version of BSD.

Going away party at Angie and Justin's, their boy James put me to work building his tree house.

This was a Tiki carved into the fireplace of a house which was buried by a Volcanic eruption in the mid-1800's. The rest of the Buried Village wasn't as impressive, though there were huge rainbow trout in the stream

So since we are from Canada we must all have native names (says Alon (pronounced Ah-lawn)) So here you have it... meet Short Cut Long Grass, and Falling Leave Red Bush... you can guess who is who

And these are my flatmates, need I say more. We had a little pre-pre-halloween party because actual halloween is during their finals. It was a good time, only one foreigner was taken away in ambulance during the festivities.

I was Memo Man for halloween. Thanks to Steve for the idea, it was a hit costume.

I went to Piha beach with some other foreign students and Malini. While the weather was not right for suntanning we did have a good time playing soccer, football and eating chicken sandwiches. You are now caught up with my last few months, I will update more frequently... Mary Tobiasz is holding me too it, and will let you know how the Surf Ski race series I am competing is going.